2205 FM 1960 Rd E
Humble, TX 77338



Embroidery Digitizing vs Graphic Artwork

Published June 12th, 2016 by Unknown

Many people are easily confused about embroidery digitizing files. Rarely do we find that new customers can provide us with a digitized embroidery machine file. They mistakenly think that a graphic art file of their logo or design is the same thing. Graphic art files are most commonly provided in formats like JPG, PNG, EPS, PDF, CDR, AI or PSD. These are all files that were created on desktop graphic design software platforms like Microsoft Paint, Microsoft Powerpoint, Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator or any of the Corel products like CorelDraw or PhotoPaint.

Unlike desktop graphic design software, digitizing software for embroidery works much differently and requires a much different skill set to produce these designs. The software used to create these types of files are similar to AutoCad software and instead of using graphic objects to create designs, it takes graphic designs and creates X and Y axis paths to generate stitches and stitch points that can be read by embroidery machines so that the machines know where and when to make any given stitch to ultimately lay out a physical stitched design on a given substrate. There are many variables that are designed into these files such as stitch length, push and pull compensation based on fabric types as well as the sequence in which the design objects are sewn to produce a quality final design. The software used for the production of digitized files is far more expensive than desktop graphic software like those named above. In fact, based on the level of control a digitizer requires to produce complicated work, the software can run up to several thousands of dollars.

So...the next time you want to convert one of your graphic design files into an embroidery file, let us at Texas Promowear help you make that happen. Our team of digitizers can turn your design around and make it production ready in 3 days or less.

We're here to answer any questions you may have about this type of work. Give us a call.

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